Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )


A very common and essential operation in all programming is looping. Most languages support looping of some kind, either with explicit loops or recursion. Janet supports both recursion and a primitive while loop. While recursion is useful in many cases, sometimes it is more convenient to use an explicit loop to iterate over a collection like an array.

Example 1: Iterating a range

Suppose you want to calculate the sum of the first 10 natural numbers 0 through 9. There are many ways to carry out this explicit calculation. A succinct way in Janet is:

(+ ;(range 10))

We will limit ourselves however to using explicit looping and no functions like (range n) which generate a list of natural numbers for us.

For our first version, we will use only the while form to iterate, similar to how one might sum natural numbers in a language such as C.

(var sum 0)
(var i 0)
(while (< i 10)
    (+= sum i)
    (++ i))
(print sum) # prints 45

This is a very imperative program, and it is not the best way to write this in Janet. We are manually updating a counter i in a loop. Using the macros += and ++, this style code is similar in density to C code. It is recommended to instead use either macros (such as the loop or for macros) or a functional style in Janet.

Since this is such a common pattern, Janet has a macro for this exact purpose. The (for x start end body) form captures this behavior of incrementing a counter in a loop.

(var sum 0)
(for i 0 10 (+= sum i))
(print sum) # prints 45

We have completely wrapped the imperative counter in a macro. The for macro, while not very flexible, is very terse and covers a common case of iteration: iterating over an integer range. The for macro will be expanded to something very similar to our original version with a while loop.

We can do something similar with the more flexible loop macro.

(var sum 0)
(loop [i :range [0 10]] (+= sum i))
(print sum) # prints 45

This is slightly more verbose than the for macro, but can be more easily extended. Let's say that we wanted to only count even numbers towards the sum. We can do this easily with the loop macro.

(var sum 0)
(loop [i :range [0 10] :when (even? i)] (+= sum i))
(print sum) # prints 20

The loop macro has several verbs (:range) and modifiers (:when) that let the programmer more easily generate common looping idioms. The loop macro is similar to the Common Lisp loop macro, but smaller in scope and with a much simpler syntax. As with the for macro, the loop macro expands to similar code as our original while expression.

Example 2: Iterating over an indexed data structure

Another common usage for iteration in any language is iterating over the items in a data structure, like items in an array, characters in a string, or key-value pairs in a table.

Say we have an array of names that we want to print out. We will again start with a simple while loop which we will refine into more idiomatic expressions.

First, we will define our array of names:

(def names
 @["Jean-Paul Sartre"
   "Bob Dylan"
   "Augusta Ada King"
   "Frida Kahlo"
   "Harriet Tubman"])

With our array of names, we can use a while loop to iterate through the indices of names, get the values, and then print them.

(var i 0)
(def len (length names))
(while (< i len)
    (print (get names i))
    (++ i))

This is rather verbose. Janet provides the each macro for iterating through the items in a tuple or array, or the bytes in a buffer, symbol, or string.

(each name names (print name))

We can also use the loop macro for this case as well using the :in verb.

(loop [name :in names] (print name))

Lastly, we can use the map function to apply a function over each value in the array.

(map print names)

The each macro is actually more flexible than the normal loop, as it is able to iterate over data structures that are not like arrays. For example, each will iterate over the values in a table.

Example 3: Iterating a dictionary

In the previous example, we iterated over the values in an array. Another common use of looping in a Janet program is iterating over the keys or values in a table. We cannot use the same method as iterating over an array because a table or struct does not contain a known integer range of keys. Instead we rely on a function next, which allows us to visit each of the keys in a struct or table. Note that iterating over a table will not visit the prototype table.

As an example, let's iterate over a table of letters to a word that starts with that letter. We will print out the words to our simple children's book.

(def alphabook
  @{"A" "Apple"
    "B" "Banana"
    "C" "Cat"
    "D" "Dog"
    "E" "Elephant"})

As before, we can evaluate this loop using only a while loop and the next function. The next function is the primary way to iterate in Janet, and is overloaded to support all iterable types. Given a data structure and a key, it returns the next key in the data structure. If there are no more keys left, it returns nil.

(var key (next alphabook nil))
(while (not= nil key)
  (print key " is for " (get alphabook key))
  (set key (next alphabook key)))

However, we can do better than this with the loop macro using the :pairs or :keys verbs.

(loop [[letter word] :pairs alphabook]
  (print letter " is for " word))

Using the :keys verb and shorthand notation for indexing a data structure:

(loop [letter :keys alphabook]
  (print letter " is for " (alphabook letter)))

As an alternative to the loop macro here, we can also use the macros eachk and eachp, which behave like each but loop over the keys of a data structure and the key-value pairs in a data structure respectively.

Data structures like tables and structs can be called like functions that look up their arguments. This allows for writing shorter code than what is possible with (get alphabook letter).

We can also use the core library functions keys and pairs to get arrays of the keys and pairs respectively of the alphabook.

(loop [[letter word] :in (pairs alphabook)]
  (print letter " is for " word))

(loop [letter :in (keys alphabook)]
  (print letter " is for " (alphabook letter)))

Notice that iteration through the table is in no particular order. Iterating the keys of a table or struct guarantees no order. If you want to iterate in a specific order, use a different data structure or the (sort indexed) function.