Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Regular Expression PEG Syntax

Spork's regex module is not actually a traditional regular expression module - instead, it is a regex-like syntax for Janet's PEG functionality.


regex/compile regex/find regex/find-all regex/match regex/peg regex/replace regex/replace-all regex/source

function (regex/compile pattern)
Compile a subset of regex to a PEG if pattern is a string. If pattern is a PEG, will return the PEG as is.
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function (regex/find reg text &opt start)
Similar to peg/find, but for regexes.
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function (regex/find-all reg text &opt start)
Similar to peg/find-all, but for regexes.
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function (regex/match reg text &opt start)
Similar to peg/match, but for regexes.
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core/peg regex/peg
Peg used to generate peg source code from a regular expression string.
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function (regex/replace reg rep text &opt start)
Similar to peg/replace, but for regexes.
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function (regex/replace-all reg rep text &opt start)
Similar to peg/replace-all, but for regexes.
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function (regex/source pattern)
Compile a subset of regex to PEG source code.
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