Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Zip Files


zip/add-bytes zip/add-file zip/compress zip/decompress zip/extract zip/file-directory? zip/file-encrypted? zip/file-supported? zip/get-filename zip/locate-file zip/read-bytes zip/read-file zip/reader-close zip/reader-count zip/stat zip/version zip/write-buffer zip/write-file zip/writer-close zip/writer-finalize

cfunction (zip/add-bytes writer path data &opt comment flags)
Add a byte sequence to the zip writer.
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cfunction (zip/add-file writer path filename &opt comment flags)
Add a file to the zip writer.
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cfunction (zip/compress bytes &opt level into)
Compress data and write to a buffer. Different compression levels can be used - higher compression levels trade smaller output with longer compression times. Returns `into`. If `into` not provided, a new buffer is created.
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cfunction (zip/decompress bytes &opt into)
Decompress data and write to a buffer. If an `into` buffer is not provided, a new buffer will be created.
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cfunction (zip/extract reader idx-or-filename &opt into flags)
Extract a file from the zip archive, either to memory or to a file on disk.
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cfunction (zip/file-directory? reader idx)
Check if a file index is a directory.
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cfunction (zip/file-encrypted? reader idx)
Check if a file is encrypted inside an archive.
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cfunction (zip/file-supported? reader idx)
Check if a file is supported with this verstion of miniz.
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cfunction (zip/get-filename reader idx)
Convert a file index index in the archive to a filename.
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cfunction (zip/locate-file reader path &opt comment flags)
Get the index of a particular filename in the archive.
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cfunction (zip/read-bytes bytes &opt flags)
Read a byte sequence as a zip archive. Returns a new zip reader.
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cfunction (zip/read-file filename &opt flags)
Read a file as a zip archive. Returns a new zip reader.
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cfunction (zip/reader-close reader)
Close a reader and free related memory.
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cfunction (zip/reader-count reader)
Get the number of files inside the zip archive. The files can be indexed 
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cfunction (zip/stat reader idx)
Get stat information of file. Returns a new struct with the following fields:

* :index - integer index in master directory
* :version-made-by - zip verstion
* :version-needed - zip version needed to unzip
* :bit-flag
* :method - compression method
* :time - file time
* :crc32 - checksum of file contents
* :comp-size - size of file when compressed
* :uncomp-size - size of file when uncompressed
* :filename
* :comment
* :internal-attr
* :external-attr
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cfunction (zip/version )
Get the version string of the underlying miniz library.
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cfunction (zip/write-buffer )
Create a new zip archive writer that write to memory.
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cfunction (zip/write-file dest-path)
Create a new zip archive writer that will write into an archive file.
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cfunction (zip/writer-close writer)
Close a ZipWriter.
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cfunction (zip/writer-finalize writer)
Finalize a writer, writing any zip files to disk. Return the writer.
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