Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )



http/cookie-grammar http/cookies http/logger http/middleware http/query-string-grammar http/read-body http/read-request http/read-response http/request http/request-peg http/response-peg http/router http/send-response http/server http/server-handler http/status-messages http/url-grammar

core/peg http/cookie-grammar
Grammar to parse a cookie header to a series of keys and values.
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function (http/cookies nextmw)
Parses cookies into the table under :cookies key
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function (http/logger nextmw)
Creates a logging middleware. The logger middleware prints URL route, return status, and elapsed request time.
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function (http/middleware x)
Coerce any type to http middleware
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core/peg http/query-string-grammar
Grammar that parses a query string (sans url path and ? character) and returns a table.
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function (http/read-body req)
Given a request, read the HTTP body from the connection. Returns the body as a buffer. If the request has no body, returns nil.
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function (http/read-request conn buf &opt no-query)
Read an HTTP request header from a connection. Returns a table with the following keys: * `:headers` - table mapping header names to header values. Header names are lowercase. * `:connection` - the connection stream for the header. * `:buffer` - the buffer instance that may contain extra bytes. * `:head-size` - the number of bytes used by the header. * `:method` - the HTTP method used. * `:path` - the path of the resource requested. The following keys are also present, but omitted if the user passes a truthy parameter to `no-query`. * `:route` - path of the resource requested without query string. * `:query-string` - segment of HTTP path after first ? character. * `:query` - the query string parsed into a table. Supports a single string value     for every string key, and any query parameters that aren't given a value are mapped to true.  Note that data is read in chunks and any data after the header terminator is  stored in `:buffer.`
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function (http/read-response conn buf)
Read an HTTP response header from a connection. Returns a table with the following keys: * `:headers` - table mapping header names to header values. Header names are lowercase. * `:connection` - the connection stream for the header. * `:buffer` - the buffer instance that may contain extra bytes. * `:head-size` - the number of bytes used by the header. * `:status` - the HTTP status code. * `:message` - the HTTP status message. Note that data is read in chunks and any data after the header terminator is stored in `:buffer.`
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function (http/request method url &keys {:headers headers :body body})
Make an HTTP request to a server. Returns a table contain response information. * `:head-size` - number of bytes in the http header * `:headers` - table mapping header names to header values. Header names are lowercase. * `:connection` - the connection stream for the header. * `:buffer` - the buffer instance that may contain extra bytes. * `:status` - HTTP status code as an integer. * `:message` - HTTP status message. * `:body` - Bytes of the response body.
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core/peg http/request-peg
PEG for parsing HTTP requests
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core/peg http/response-peg
PEG for parsing HTTP responses
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function (http/router routes)
Creates a router middleware. A router will dispatch to different routes based on the URL path.
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function (http/send-response conn response &opt buf)
Send an HTTP response over a connection. Will automatically use chunked encoding if body is not a byte sequence. `response` should be a table with the following keys: * `:headers` - optional headers to write * `:status` - integer status code to write * `:body` - optional byte sequence or iterable (for chunked body) for returning contents. The iterable can be lazy, i.e. for streaming    data.
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function (http/server handler &opt host port)
Makes a simple http server. By default it binds to, returns a new server stream. Simply wraps http/server-handler with a net/server.
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function (http/server-handler conn handler)
A simple connection handler for an HTTP server. When a connection is accepted. Call this with a handler function to handle the connect. The handler will be called with one argument, the request table, which will contain the following keys: * `:head-size` - number of bytes in the http header. * `:headers` - table mapping header names to header values. * `:connection` - the connection stream for the header. * `:buffer` - the buffer instance that may contain extra bytes. * `:path` - HTTP path. * `:method` - HTTP method, as a string.
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struct http/status-messages
Mapping of HTTP status codes to their status message.
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core/peg http/url-grammar
Grammar to parse a URL into domain, port, and path triplet. Only supports the http:// protocol.
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