Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Project Management


pm/bundle-install pm/curl pm/do-rule pm/download-bundle pm/download-git-bundle pm/download-tar-bundle pm/git pm/import-rules pm/load-lockfile pm/load-project-meta pm/make-jpm-env pm/make-lockfile pm/out-of-tree-config pm/post-deps pm/require-jpm pm/resolve-bundle pm/tar pm/update-git-bundle pm/update-installed

function (pm/bundle-install bundle &opt no-deps)
Install a bundle from a git repository.
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function (pm/curl & args)
Make a call to curl
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function (pm/do-rule target)
Evaluate a given rule in a one-off manner.
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function (pm/download-bundle url bundle-type &opt tag shallow)
Download the package source (using git) to the local cache. Return the path to the downloaded or cached soure code.
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function (pm/download-git-bundle bundle-dir url tag shallow)
Download a git bundle from a remote respository
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function (pm/download-tar-bundle bundle-dir url &opt force-gz)
Download a dependency from a tape archive. The archive should have exactly one top level directory that contains the contents of the project.
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function (pm/git & args)
Make a call to git.
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function (pm/import-rules path &opt base-env)
Import another file that defines more rules. This ruleset is merged into the current ruleset.
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function (pm/load-lockfile &opt filename)
Load packages from a lockfile.
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function (pm/load-project-meta &opt path)
Load the metadata from a project.janet file without doing a full evaluation of the project.janet file. Returns a struct with the project metadata. Raises an error if no metadata found.
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function (pm/make-jpm-env &opt base-env)
Create an environment that is preloaded with jpm symbols.
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function (pm/make-lockfile &opt filename)
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function (pm/out-of-tree-config path &opt options)
Create an out of tree build configuration. This lets a user have a debug or release build, as well as other configuration on a one time basis. This works by creating a new directory with a project.janet that loads in the original project.janet file with some settings changed.
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macro (pm/post-deps & body)
Run code at the top level if jpm dependencies are installed. Build code that imports dependencies should be wrapped with this macro, as project.janet needs to be able to run successfully even without dependencies installed.
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function (pm/require-jpm path &opt base-env)
Require a jpm file project file. This is different from a normal require in that code is loaded in the jpm environment.
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function (pm/resolve-bundle bundle)
Convert any bundle string/table to the normalized table form.
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function (pm/tar & args)
Make a call to tar.
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function (pm/update-git-bundle bundle-dir tag shallow)
Fetch latest tag version from remote repository
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function (pm/update-installed )
Update all previously installed packages to their latest versions.
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