Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Net Module


net/accept net/accept-loop net/address net/address-unpack net/chunk net/close net/connect net/flush net/listen net/localname net/peername net/read net/recv-from net/send-to net/server net/shutdown net/write

cfunction (net/accept stream &opt timeout)
Get the next connection on a server stream. This would usually be called in a loop in a dedicated fiber. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will return nil. Returns a new duplex stream which represents a connection to the client.
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cfunction (net/accept-loop stream handler)
Shorthand for running a server stream that will continuously accept new connections. Blocks the current fiber until the stream is closed, and will return the stream.
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cfunction (net/address host port &opt type multi)
Look up the connection information for a given hostname, port, and connection type. Returns a handle that can be used to send datagrams over network without establishing a connection. On Posix platforms, you can use :unix for host to connect to a unix domain socket, where the name is given in the port argument. On Linux, abstract unix domain sockets are specified with a leading '@' character in port. If `multi` is truthy, will return all address that match in an array instead of just the first.
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cfunction (net/address-unpack address)
Given an address returned by net/address, return a host, port pair. Unix domain sockets will have only the path in the returned tuple.
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cfunction (net/chunk stream nbytes &opt buf timeout)
Same a net/read, but will wait for all n bytes to arrive rather than return early. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will return nil.
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function (net/close stream)
Alias for `ev/close`.
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cfunction (net/connect host port &opt type bindhost bindport)
Open a connection to communicate with a server. Returns a duplex stream that can be used to communicate with the server. Type is an optional keyword to specify a connection type, either :stream or :datagram. The default is :stream. Bindhost is an optional string to select from what address to make the outgoing connection, with the default being the same as using the OS's preferred address. 
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cfunction (net/flush stream)
Make sure that a stream is not buffering any data. This temporarily disables Nagle's algorithm. Use this to make sure data is sent without delay. Returns stream.
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cfunction (net/listen host port &opt type)
Creates a server. Returns a new stream that is neither readable nor writeable. Use net/accept or net/accept-loop be to handle connections and start the server. The type parameter specifies the type of network connection, either a :stream (usually tcp), or :datagram (usually udp). If not specified, the default is :stream. The host and port arguments are the same as in net/address.
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cfunction (net/localname stream)
Gets the local address and port in a tuple in that order.
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cfunction (net/peername stream)
Gets the remote peer's address and port in a tuple in that order.
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cfunction (net/read stream nbytes &opt buf timeout)
Read up to n bytes from a stream, suspending the current fiber until the bytes are available. `n` can also be the keyword `:all` to read into the buffer until end of stream. If less than n bytes are available (and more than 0), will push those bytes and return early. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will return nil. Returns a buffer with up to n more bytes in it, or raises an error if the read failed.
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cfunction (net/recv-from stream nbytes buf &opt timeout)
Receives data from a server stream and puts it into a buffer. Returns the socket-address the packet came from. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will return nil.
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cfunction (net/send-to stream dest data &opt timeout)
Writes a datagram to a server stream. dest is a the destination address of the packet. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will return nil. Returns stream.
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function (net/server host port &opt handler type)
Start a server asynchronously with `net/listen` and `net/accept-loop`. Returns the new server stream.
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cfunction (net/shutdown stream &opt mode)
Stop communication on this socket in a graceful manner, either in both directions or just reading/writing from the stream. The `mode` parameter controls which communication to stop on the socket. 

* `:wr` is the default and prevents both reading new data from the socket and writing new data to the socket.
* `:r` disables reading new data from the socket.
* `:w` disable writing data to the socket.

Returns the original socket.
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cfunction (net/write stream data &opt timeout)
Write data to a stream, suspending the current fiber until the write completes. Takes an optional timeout in seconds, after which will return nil. Returns nil, or raises an error if the write failed.
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