Janet 1.27.0-01aab66 Documentation
(Other Versions: 1.26.0 1.25.1 1.24.0 1.23.0 1.22.0 1.21.0 1.20.0 1.19.0 1.18.1 1.17.1 1.16.1 1.15.0 1.13.1 1.12.2 1.11.1 1.10.1 1.9.1 1.8.1 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.1 )

Janet's Memory Model

In order to write a functional and correct C extension to Janet, it is necessary to have a good understanding of Janet's memory model. Code that does not follow this model may leak memory, especially on errors (panics), and may trigger use after free bugs. It is the author's recommendation to test your extension with a tool like valgrind or an address sanitizer to ensure that your extension does not access memory in an invalid way.

Janet's Garbage Collector

Like most dynamic languages, Janet has a garbage collector to clean up unused objects. The garbage collector cannot "see" objects allocated via malloc/free, only memory allocated through the function janet_gcalloc. It is recommended to not use this function at all, and instead use the Janet C API functions for creating Janet data structures that will be collected when needed. These data structures will be collected when no longer reachable, ensuring that your program does not leak memory. Janet's garbage collector can only run at certain times, meaning most of the time when writing a native function you can ignore it. However, any Janet C API function that may re-enter the interpreter may trigger a collection, which could collect any data structures you have just allocated. The notable exception to this is janet_call, which suspends garbage collection until it completes for convenience. Other re-entrant functions, like janet_pcall, janet_continue, janet_dobytes, and janet_dostring may trigger a collection.

Adding Janet values to the GC Root list

Janet keeps a global list of objects that are considered reachable. To determine all reachable objects, the garbage collector will traverse this list when needed. Any value not in this list, or not accessible via traversing this list, is considered garbage (with the exception of a few values, such as the current fiber). Notably, this means that values allocated in a C function, by default, are considered garbage and will be collected at the next collection. Most C functions take advantage of the fact that the GC will not run until the interpreter is resumed. However, sometimes it is necessary to add a value to the root list so that a temporary value isn't collected before you are finished with it.

Below is an example C function that adds a value to the root list to prevent the garbage collector from deleting it.

Janet make_some_table(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
    janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
    JanetTable *table = janet_table(0);
    Janet tablev = janet_wrap_table(table);

    // Root the table before potentially calling collect, as
    // no live objects reference the table

    return tablev;

This does have some downsides, though. First, it may leak memory if the code between janet_gcroot and janet_gcunroot can panic. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as most if not all of the functions in the Janet API that can enter the interpreter cannot panic, or will swallow panics and return a signal code instead. It is then up to the user to rethrow any panics caught after releasing (or unrooting) the values. Basically, if you use this method, you MUST clean up after yourself!

This is also why it is recommended to use janet_call over janet_pcall if you can. Since janet_call suspends the garbage collector (including all nested calls to things like janet_pcall), there is no need to modify the gcroot list on a regular basis. It is also recommended to not use too much re-entrant code, as it will often suspend the garbage collector. For example, if you run your entire application inside a call to janet_call, the garbage collector will never run.

The argv array

Another gotcha in the memory model for the C API is the argument stack to native functions. This pointer to a sequence of Janet values is a pointer into the current fiber where the function arguments were pushed, and has a short lifespan. Any function that may cause the stack to resize invalidates this pointer, and the pointer should be considered invalid after the function returns.

Functions that may cause the stack to resize are any function that modifies a fiber in the fiber API, as well as any function that invokes the interpreter. This means functions like janet_call will invalidate the argv pointer to your function!

Example of buggy code:

Janet my_bad_cfunc(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        JanetFunction *func = janet_getfunction(argv, i);
        janet_call(func, 0, NULL);
    return janet_wrap_nil();

This code is incorrect because it tries to access the argv pointer after janet_call has been called. The usual fix to this is to copy the argv data into a new array that will not be resized if the stack is. A tuple can handily be used for this.

Better code:

Janet my_bad_cfunc(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
    const Janet *argv2 = janet_tuple_n(argv, argc);
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        JanetFunction *func = janet_getfunction(argv2, i);
        janet_call(func, 0, NULL);
    return janet_wrap_nil();

Scratch Memory

Many algorithms will need to allocate memory, but cleaning up the memory can be difficult to correctly integrate with Janet's memory model, considering that many functions in Janet's API can panic, longjumping over your clean up code. Rather than trying to prevent panics, it is much easier to accept that they can happen and allocate resources that can automatically be cleaned up for you.

Janet brings the concept of scratch memory for this purpose, or memory that will certainly be cleaned up at the next collection. This memory can also be freed manually if no error is encountered, making sure that we don't generate garbage in the common case.

void *janet_smalloc(size_t size);
void *janet_srealloc(void *p, size_t size);
void janet_sfree(void *p)


void janet_mark(Janet x);
void janet_sweep(void);
void janet_collect(void);
void janet_clear_memory(void);
void janet_gcroot(Janet root);
int janet_gcunroot(Janet root);
int janet_gcunrootall(Janet root);
int janet_gclock(void);
void janet_gcunlock(int handle)